
Life situations can sometimes make it challenging to get connected to a mental health provider in person. TeleHealth is an option to overcome those barriers so you can receive the support you desire. All our providers are equipped to provide TeleHealth services in ways that are meaningful and impactful.

There are some differences between in-person and TeleHealth sessions and specifics to consider when deciding if it is a good fit for you. You can review our TeleHealth Consent Form. If TeleHealth is a good fit, your therapist will provide a paper or electronic form for you to sign.

How does it work?

At the time of your appointment, you can click on the button for your provider below and be directly connected to your provider’s virtual waiting room. Type in your name and your provider will be notified that you are waiting. If it says your provider has not yet logged in, the system will keep you in the que. Your provider may be finishing up another appointment and will be with you shortly.

What do you need?

The link will work on a cellular phone or computer through your internet browser. It seems to work best on Chrome or Firefox internet browsers. When you check into the link it will ask you to allow access to your camera and microphone.



Your provider has been trained on how to conduct TeleHealth sessions and professional considerations. As such, each provider does a number of things to ensure confidentiality which may include making sure no one else is in the room, being in a secure and confidential location, and using a headset.

You can maintain privacy by taking the same steps as your provider. If others are in your location, to help with privacy, here are some steps you can take.

  • Go in a room that has a door and close it
  • Put a towel or blanket on the floor at the crack of the door
  • Use a headset
  • Turn on background music outside the door
  • Ensure others are engaged and occupied before beginning the call
  • Go to your vehicle


We use a HIPAA compliant TeleHealth service that secures conversations videos to maintain your privacy.

Make a Payment

Any payment due for your session can be made online through our Make a Payment page.

Start Your Session

Click on the TeleHealth link on a staff member’s page at the time of your appointment to check in to their virtual waiting room.

Ready to Begin Healing?

Schedule an Appointment

Chosen PLLC

Chosen PLLC